Get ALPR Results
Check here for the expected startup behaviour and location of decoded screenshots.
On Windows, if the timestamps sent out by Stream are in the future or way behind, try syncronizing your system clock. You may be getting the message "Local system time may be out of sync". Here are some solutions to fix it:
- Synchronize Windows Clock
- Toggle the Docker VM Time Synchronization
- Update the clock of the Docker VM.
docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s
CSVStream ALPR output is saved in a CSV file. You can use Notepad++ to get "live" updates in the CSV output file. Here is a sample CSV output:
timestamp,plate,score,dscore,file,box,model_make,color,vehicle,region,orientation,candidates,source_url,position_sec,direction2021-10-27 06:20:43.970337+00:00,sjubi1,0.781,0.441,/camera-1_screenshots/21-10-27/06-20-43.970337.jpg,"{'xmin': 847, 'ymin': 80, 'xmax': 944, 'ymax': 105}","[{'make': 'Volkswagen', 'model': 'Golf', 'score': 0.009}, {'make': 'Opel', 'model': 'Corsa', 'score': 0.006}, {'make': 'Citroen', 'model': 'C3', 'score': 0.006}]","[{'color': 'white', 'score': 0.672}, {'color': 'silver', 'score': 0.201}, {'color': 'yellow', 'score': 0.028}]","{'score': 0.267, 'type': 'Big Truck', 'box': {'xmin': 387, 'ymin': 23, 'xmax': 1493, 'ymax': 577}}","{'code': '', 'score': 0}","[{'orientation': 'Front', 'score': 0.623}, {'orientation': 'Unknown', 'score': 0.244}, {'orientation': 'Rear', 'score': 0.133}]","[{'plate': 'sjubi1'}, {'plate': 'sju809'}]",/user-data/Elixirtech_Slow2_Indoor.mp4,4.0,2252021-10-27 06:20:45.269216+00:00,sju811y,0.903,0.698,/camera-1_screenshots/21-10-27/06-20-45.269216.jpg,"{'xmin': 760, 'ymin': 207, 'xmax': 865, 'ymax': 230}","[{'make': 'Iveco', 'model': 'Daily', 'score': 0.015}, {'make': 'Fiat', 'model': 'Ducato', 'score': 0.01}, {'make': 'Volkswagen', 'model': 'Crafter', 'score': 0.01}]","[{'color': 'white', 'score': 0.73}, {'color': 'silver', 'score': 0.121}, {'color': 'red', 'score': 0.028}]","{'score': 0.33, 'type': 'Big Truck', 'box': {'xmin': 403, 'ymin': 24, 'xmax': 1467, 'ymax': 579}}","{'code': '', 'score': 0}","[{'orientation': 'Front', 'score': 0.837}, {'orientation': 'Rear', 'score': 0.113}, {'orientation': 'Unknown', 'score': 0.049}]","[{'plate': 'sju811y'}, {'plate': 'sju811y'}, {'plate': 'sju811y'}, {'plate': 'sju811'}]",/user-data/Elixirtech_Slow2_Indoor.mp4,5.9,180
JSON LinesYou may also output JSON Lines. Here is a sample JSONLines output:
{"camera_id": "camera-1", "filename": "06-20-43.970337.jpg", "timestamp": "2021-10-27T06:20:43.970337Z", "timestamp_local": "2021-10-27 06:20:43.970337+00:00", "results": [{"box": {"xmin": 847, "ymin": 80, "xmax": 944, "ymax": 105}, "plate": "sjubi1", "region": {"code": "", "score": 0}, "score": 0.781, "candidates": [{"plate": "sjubi1"}, {"plate": "sju809"}], "dscore": 0.441, "vehicle": {"score": 0.267, "type": "Big Truck", "box": {"xmin": 387, "ymin": 23, "xmax": 1493, "ymax": 577}}, "model_make": [{"make": "Volkswagen", "model": "Golf", "score": 0.009}, {"make": "Opel", "model": "Corsa", "score": 0.006}, {"make": "Citroen", "model": "C3", "score": 0.006}], "color": [{"color": "white", "score": 0.672}, {"color": "silver", "score": 0.201}, {"color": "yellow", "score": 0.028}], "orientation": [{"orientation": "Front", "score": 0.623}, {"orientation": "Unknown", "score": 0.244}, {"orientation": "Rear", "score": 0.133}], "direction": 225, "source_url": "/user-data/Elixirtech_Slow2_Indoor.mp4", "position_sec": 4.0}]}{"camera_id": "camera-1", "filename": "06-20-45.269216.jpg", "timestamp": "2021-10-27T06:20:45.269216Z", "timestamp_local": "2021-10-27 06:20:45.269216+00:00", "results": [{"box": {"xmin": 760, "ymin": 207, "xmax": 865, "ymax": 230}, "plate": "sju811y", "region": {"code": "", "score": 0}, "score": 0.903, "candidates": [{"plate": "sju811y"}, {"plate": "sju811y"}, {"plate": "sju811y"}, {"plate": "sju811"}], "dscore": 0.698, "vehicle": {"score": 0.33, "type": "Big Truck", "box": {"xmin": 403, "ymin": 24, "xmax": 1467, "ymax": 579}}, "model_make": [{"make": "Iveco", "model": "Daily", "score": 0.015}, {"make": "Fiat", "model": "Ducato", "score": 0.01}, {"make": "Volkswagen", "model": "Crafter", "score": 0.01}], "color": [{"color": "white", "score": 0.73}, {"color": "silver", "score": 0.121}, {"color": "red", "score": 0.028}], "orientation": [{"orientation": "Front", "score": 0.837}, {"orientation": "Rear", "score": 0.113}, {"orientation": "Unknown", "score": 0.049}], "direction": 180, "source_url": "/user-data/Elixirtech_Slow2_Indoor.mp4", "position_sec": 5.9}]}
WebhooksOr forward results via webhooks. A POST request is sent with a field json
and a file field upload
. Here is an example of the json
{ "hook": { "target": "", "id": "camera-1", "event": "recognition", "filename": "camera-1_screenshots/21-10-27/06-20-55.161444.jpg" }, "data": { "camera_id": "camera-1", "filename": "camera-1_screenshots/21-10-27/06-20-55.161444.jpg", "timestamp": "2021-10-27T06:20:55.161444Z", "timestamp_local": "2021-10-27 06:20:55.161444+00:00", "results": [ { "box": { "xmin": 153, "ymin": 91, "xmax": 302, "ymax": 125 }, "plate": "slz9043m", "region": { "code": "it", "score": 0.476 }, "score": 0.906, "candidates": [ { "plate": "slz9043m" }, { "plate": "slz9043m" }, { "plate": "slz9043m" } ], "dscore": 0.641, "vehicle": { "score": 0.254, "type": "SUV", "box": { "xmin": 603, "ymin": 0, "xmax": 1099, "ymax": 174 } }, "model_make": [ { "make": "Mercedes-Benz", "model": "Citan", "score": 0.075 }, { "make": "Mercedes-Benz", "model": "GLC", "score": 0.07 }, { "make": "Mercedes-Benz", "model": "GLS", "score": 0.061 } ], "color": [ { "color": "white", "score": 0.889 }, { "color": "silver", "score": 0.027 }, { "color": "brown", "score": 0.013 } ], "orientation": [ { "orientation": "Front", "score": 0.943 }, { "orientation": "Unknown", "score": 0.031 }, { "orientation": "Rear", "score": 0.026 } ], "direction": 210, "source_url": "/user-data/Elixirtech_Slow2_Indoor.mp4", "position_sec": 23.47 } ] }}
ParkPowEasily "forward" ALPR results over to ParkPow, our ALPR Dashboard and Parking Management Solution. Get a Free Trial of ParkPow now!